What Our Clients Say About Our Services

Nora’s translation work was always on time and done with excellence. Her natural use of both English and Indonesian brought a professionalism and even beauty to translation of reports from Indonesian to English. Whether it is a document needing translation into Indonesian or English, she will get the job done well. Her understanding of cultural cues and ways of saying things in both languages, and her grasp of the fine nuances required for writing a good paper or report made working with her a real pleasure. She is personable and easy to work with, taking not only pride but joy in doing the best job possible.

JANET KOTYNSKI, International Linguistics Consultant – Chicago, Illinois

I have been using Nora’s translation services for about 5 years now, and I have been very satisfied. She is good about communicating when her translation will be finished, and her results are clear and accurate. There are some technical terms specific to our work, and when I have told her the preferred translation, she has been good about using it. I would recommend her services for going both from Indonesian to English and English to Indonesian.

TOM RAFETTO, Wycliffe Bible Translators – Orlando, Florida

Nora was highly flexible and adaptable to my client’s needs at a critical time for them. This allowed us to deliver much needed reporting with quality insights and understanding of the local market in Indonesia in a timely and efficient way.

PAULINE DRAPER-WATTS, Independent Consultant – Chicago, Illinois